Propolis Lr
Pokud jste registrován jako lr partner, můžete zboží objednat po přihlášení. prodej lr produktů je možný pouze prostřednictvím lr partnerů.. vedle aloe vera tvoří propolis důležitou složku tělového mléka. včely vytvářejí tuto látku podobnou jantaru jako ochranný stavební prvek v úlu. ingredients:. Propolis has been suggested to have a role in treating certain cancers as well. according to one study, some of the anti-cancerous effects of the substance include:. Thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations used propolis for its medicinal properties. greeks used it to treat abscesses. assyrians put it on wounds and tumors to fight infection and help the healing process. egyptians used it to embalm mummies. Lr health & beauty is one of the leading direct selling companies in europe. thousands of lr partners write propolis lr success stories with us upgrade your life. Lr Propolis Krem Nedir Zellikleri Nelerdir Jeunesse Lr Propolis Krem Youtube See full list on healthline. com. P...