Diabetes Xigduo
We’re just a phone call away. dealing with type 2 diabetes can be difficult sometimes. that’s where our xigduo (zig-doo-oh) xr care partners come in. think of them as a personal advisor—a single point of contact for helpful information about xigduo xr. their job is to connect you to services that can help support you in managing type 2 diabetes. Xigduo is a diabetes medicine that contains the active substances dapagliflozin and metformin. it is used, together with diet and exercise, to control the blood glucose diabetes xigduo (sugar) levels in adults with type 2 diabetes whose disease is not satisfactorily controlled with metformin alone, or in combination with other diabetes medicines, including. Xigduo xr—a combination of two therapies may help significantly lower blood sugar in a clinical trial, xigduo (zig-doo-oh) xr lowered a1c approximately 50% more than metformin alone. Xigduo Xr Dapagliflozin And Metformin Hcl Extended Dealing with type 2 diabetes can be difficult sometimes....